Aquatic Cove
Welcome to Pet Expo's Aquatic Cove
The gentle movement of brightly colored fish, the sound of moving water, rising bubbles gliding upward to the surface – it is easy to see why the hobby of fish keeping is still growing strong!Whether it be as simple as a goldfish bowl on a child’s night stand, or as complex as a massive saltwater reef tank, the art of fish keeping can be as challenging or relaxing as you want it to be - but will always be rewarding! Pet Expo’s Aquatic Cove takes you under the sea to uncover a plethora of colorful freshwater and saltwater fish, bustling invertebrates and hearty amphibians for beginners and experienced hobbyists alike! Gaze upon pristine tanks bursting with healthy and happy aquatic life ready to take home! Fix your eyes on stunning planted tanks, and beautiful themed tanks. Let one of our trained staff members walk you through the trouble-free steps of aquarium maintenance. From setting up your new tank, to maintaining an established tank, Pet Expo’s Aquatic cove has what you need from start to finish!
African Cichlids
Our favorites! Don’t overlook these freshwater jewels! Strikingly beautiful as adults with eye-popping blues, reds and yellows. Make sure you spend some time with our expanding supply of these little beauties! African cichlids generally come from rift lakes in Africa. These are very large lakes, barren and filled with rock piles. Many of these fish are grazers feeding off algae forming on the rocks. Several have specialized diets and do best when fed a spiralina based fish food. They are a territorial fish, so be sure to include rock piles and other structure in your décor. It is best to get all your fish when they are still young and growing, so they can grow up together and form these territories collectively. Adding new fish to an established community could mean a death sentence for the new additions! They prefer higher pH and hard water. These fish are easy to breed and many are mouth brooders – very cool parenting technique! Check it out!
South American Cichlids
Magnificent giants! South American cichlids generally grow large and they too are territorial. They will eat anything that fits in their mouth and are very indescriminatory in their eating habits eating shrimp, fish, worms and the like. Much like the African cichlids they enjoy structures to call home. Wood is the structure of choice in this case, actually softening the water chemistry in many cases. These fish have a large size, larger territories and require large tanks. Larger fish create more waste, meaning bigger filters! These fish prefer soft water and lower pH. Many are easy to breed and most are great parents. Several of these fish develop very bonding attributes and become quite personable! Some say they even watch TV with you! Find out when you select from our array of South American cichlids just waiting to come home with you!
Community Fish
Of course Pet expo has an enormous selection of popular community fish including barbs, gouramis, tetras, rasboras, cory cats and more. Remember that tetras and other schooling fish live in large schools. This creates security for these relatively small fish. Always buy in schools to eliminate stress – weakening the immune system and raising the potential for disease. Never mind the sheer beauty an impressive school of tetras can add to an otherwise dull living room or office!
Live bearers are a group of community fish that have live babies about once a month when kept together in groups! Children always enjoy this little miracle! Groups of livebearers include guppies, mollies, platys, and the magnificent swordtails!
New products have made it easier to enjoy the beauty, serenity, and tranquility a healthy saltwater community fish tank provides! We receive shipments weekly and always have an assortment of colorful tangs, elegant angels, gobies, blennies and the ever popular clownfish! Plus wrasses, lionfish and puffers! Not to mention snails, shrimps, starfish and corals! If you still have reservations on starting up a saltwater aquarium, you are always welcome to come in and enjoy the largest selection of exotic tropical fish in our area! We live it and love it in our Aquatic Cove!