Pet Birds
Tame Birds
Our flock of feathered friends can’t be beat! With birds ranging from the elegant diamond dove to the vociferous cockatiels, finches to conures you may just lose yourself in the sights and sounds of our fantastic avian collection.At Pet Expo our most distinctive quality is our employees! We work hard to be the experts on the latest products in the industry. Training is broad and never ending. Here you will be assisted by the most elite team you will find anywhere! Our experienced staff is here to assist you and your pet 7 days a week!
In the middle of the department you will discover an open display of vibrant color and animated chatter coming from the parakeet pit. It will be easy to see why the captivating little “budgie” has become the most popular pet bird in the world! Parakeets can easily become finger tame, learn countless words and phrases, and be taught extensive tricks. Living past 10 years of age in many cases, a parakeet will have plenty of time to capture your heart and discover its place atop your family!
You may detect a few “cat calls” coming from our collection of fancy cockatiels but don’t be alarmed. Cockatiels are best known for their ability to discover whistles, mimic phone rings, and learn long melodies. Cockatiels come in many new color combinations and live to be 7-12 years of age, although some have been known to live as long as 30 years! They make excellent pets, they are gentle and timid, and love the company you or another ‘tiel' would provide!